Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rhino lesson

Okay here is a quick lesson in the difference between black rhinos and white rhinos (oh Imire staff should be proud of all they taught me!). FIRST it is not related to color in fact "white" rhino is actually "wide" rhino because of their either wide mouths or body (can't remember which) and ended up turning into "white" rhino. SECOND black rhinos are branch eaters (haha i love how i say that and all these black rhinos are eating grass....well they can eat branches and like it but they eat ALL the time....kinda like me...and so grass is there only option right here) BUT black rhinos have a sort of tongue part to their upper lip that you can see in this last picture. It works like a tongue and can wrap around branches so they can pull them off and eat them. They know naturally what they like to eat and what will kill them. White rhinos are grazers and they have a wide mouth and no tongue lip thing...they only eat grass and are like a lawn mower when they eat. Imire now has some white rhino but i never got to see them. But that is a HUGE step for them to try this breeding with white rhinos since they were the first to do it with black rhino! All Imire's rhino are owned by the government and that is some of the reason that this ranch never gets taken over by the government, because they sort of already own it. Thanks for coming to Rhino class 101!

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