Monday, March 16, 2009

Head Smacking Ride of My Life

I arrive at the Kisumu airport and as you have heard i have no idea who i am meeting and i was told by Real Gap, the horendous company that i went through to go on these trips, that the travel to the orphanage was 10 minutes.....they meant to say 10 DAYS!  So I get there and meet Judith, who started and runs the program and she says "Okay lets get a cab to town, where we will get a bus."  My heart sinks but i still ask "how long will it take us to get there."  Judith says like it is nothing "oh to town 10 the orphanage about 5 hours or so."  WHAT!?!?!  Let me give you a little heads up that i have managed to get through customs (i can say this as i am thinking no one from customs in kenya reads blogs) two HUGE bags (one a rolling duffle bag and the other a HUGE duffle minus the wheels that is FULL of donations eventhough you are not allowed to bring donations to the country...go figure).  Oh and it doesn't stop there...i also have a rolling backpack that weighs about 400-500 pounds.  So i jump in the cab that needs to have a meeting with WD-40 and get greased up and shove all my bags in the "boot" as they call the trunk.  Then when we get to "town" (not our town that we are going to) it is CRAZY busy as most towns in Kenya are with people just walking around, hanging out, selling things, sewing things, and riding on things that someday will graduate to be a car.  I feel bad that Judith didn't sign up to carry all these crazy bags i have but she is one tough woman so i gave her my back pack and i struggled and carried the big duffle on my back and rolled the other knocking over kenyans all over the place. but i didn't know if what they were going to do with me and what i would do if i lost Judith so i just pile drove through the people.  Then we arrive at a Westfalia looking bus (as they all are...evernthough in post election war times only a few months ago they used to pull these buses over and if you didn't speak the right language they would cut your head off right there and then let the others back on the bus...well i was praying those days were over).  They throw my bags on the roof and tie them down and Judith and I shove ourselves and my backpack in the last row...BIG MISTAKE!  The last row is higher and the roads in Kenya are pretty much gauged out with pot holes and just large creases...they should not be considered our heads SMACK against the metal roof of this "bus" for FIVE HOURS.  By the time we got to the orphanage i think i had a mild concusion.  Oh and there were (yes i counted) 13 seats on the bus and somehow 33 people on the bus...nope i am not sure either how they were all sitting.  so i took a picture of their heads in the bus and pictures of scenes along the drive...enjoy..i didn't i think my head is now flat on the top.  

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