Friday, March 27, 2009


YEAHHHHHH! The library is finished and they even made us tables, well don't fool yourself we paid for them. But the place looks so good! They made window covers so that rain won't get in on the books and we went in and decorated the empty wall with all stickers and things i brought. Calob and Horace helped and organized all the books in the library into sections. They also helped us put up the stickers and make sure the alphabet was in order. The chairs were all in there for the last day of school for the semester and there are more pictures of that to come. We all had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the library when the parents were visiting to pick up their kids....i know "WHAT?!?! It's an orphanage aren't these kids supposed to be parentless?!?!" Well yes the people that pick them up might be like aunts or uncles or realtives of a different kid and take another kid for a grandparent or something. Some also have one parent left but that parent can't or doesn't want to take care of them and they would have a far better life in the orphanage. I know that is a little bit of a twist but you learn in Africa anything goes you just have to accept it is a different culture...and one with rich history and traditions.

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