Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay so here is the are going to need to buckle your seat belts for these next few posts as the people at Imire Game Reserve in Zimbabwe made this the most amazing 2 and a half days! They crammed in everything I missed and wanted to do and it was a wild ride...we were very busy to say the least. So when you think the days posts are over....they are just beginning. And this is why I love these people and this place! The first day began with a morning sunrise (pictures are in opposite order) and then getting to see my elephants again! So the picture with the elephant farthest away, and the two closest up are Mac (the biggest and now daddy elephant who we all train with), and the other picture is Toto, who is the other male elephant but has been abused by white people in his past and is very untrusting of white people but he is a really sweet elephant too, I rode him later in the morning with one of the handlers because he would shake me off if they weren't on there too. They are just so handsome!

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