Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dance Break!

I was on my way out of the orphanage to town to buy some more lumber with Mel, yes we thought the one time was enough but we were sadly mistaken and were now visiting the lumber yard once a day. But i walked past this classroom and i had my camera out. They also LOVE to dance while you are taking a picture and I kept trying to explain how that is for videos and pictures get blurry if you no they didn't care they just kept dancing and laughing. So as i walk by this first girl who LOVES her picture taken gets up and starts dancing in the doorway, picture 2 on here. Then they all get up and dance. The last picture is of them doing my favorite dance for me as i requested it. They have this great hip shaking dance to their version of the ABC song and it is great. Such entertainment. Come to find out their teacher was out and no one told us so we were helping in other classes while these kids had been sitting and working by themselves, doing i have no idea what, but regardless quietly working at their desks all morning. They are so appreciative of school and LOVE to learn that they will sit their for hours working on things they don't understand. So they very much enjoyed their dance break and i told them i would be back in the afternoon to teach them. They are so fun and loving life.

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