Friday, March 27, 2009

Library progress...

So the concrete sign near the ground says "Library Construction by: Mel Robins and Tara Fischer" Mel and i were so proud to be remembered at the orphanage. We took about 400-500 pictures in front of our sign after the three times it took them to spell my name right that was written for them on a piece of paper. It was so sweet of them to do that for us. This was the library shelf less and shelved. They asked us for an insane amount of money for the 2 million shelves and Mel and I said "no because all you have to do is put in hardware and then rest the wood shelf on it." The construction man stated that "this was a much more labor intensive job." I told him then Mel and I will do it our way that is not so intense and is cheaper....he came down in his price. WELL when we saw how they built the shelves we were like "no wonder he wanted more money!" They seriously almost built a box for each shelf area and it was the most intense shelving i have ever seen...not that it needed to be as it is all just attached to a pole and a ply wood sheet but i guess that is just how you make shelves in Kenya. The guys did do a great job!

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