Thursday, April 9, 2009

game Drive feeding different rhinos

Okay so this is me feeding the rhinos on the game drive, only because the they are handled more and they were behind this fence. Okay funny thing about rhinos is that even though they could OBVIOUSLY power threw this little wire fence if a rhino is ever coming at you all you have to do is stand behind like a tree. now the interesting thing is it could be a tree the size of your wrist it is just that there needs to be a barrier between you and them. I know all of you in NYC are worried about Rhinos attacking so you can thank me later for this advise. So this little fence in between us is enough for the rhinos to not attack. The bigger Rhino here is Shanu, the female and she is not what you would call "nice" she liked to attack me ALL the time. Then the little one is the male, Tatinda, and his names means "thank you" becuase he was the baby that was the only one who lived through a massacre of the rhinos that happened a year ago. The poachers thought he was dead because he had blood on him but he was actually alive, so John and Judy raised him. When they took Tatinda in to raise they found this baby abandoned warthog, now named Pug and she was raised with Tatinda, and an orphaned hyena (Totsie) so this is why here in these pictures there is a random warthog there. Pug and Tatinda have never left each other's side, and Shanu just had to accept the warthog too. Okay Pug would also like to attack me everyday if possible. The last picture is of the entrance to the Lodge area as we returned from our game drive. I loved these trees! The Rhinos tongues are strong so you have to make sure they don't suck your hand in when you feed them....note to self for you NYCers!

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